Why “Big Data” Requires Small Stories

From predicting the weather to anticipating disease outbreaks, computers enable us to gain useful insights from massive data sets. However, while a skilled analyst can scan a sheet of numbers and spot the important trends, most people do better when data is presented within a simple, logical, compelling narrative.
Studies have found it’s 20-22% easier for people to remember information they learned from stories, and an analysis of popular TED talks found the highest-rated speakers spend 65% of their time telling narratives, versus transmitting abstract information.
If your job requires you to present complex data to lay audiences, here are some quick tips for telling an effective “data story”:
Emil Heidkamp is the founder and senior learning strategist at Sonata Learning. He works with NGOs, corporations and government agencies to implement training and knowledge management initiatives impacting thousands of learners in over 50 countries.