Trouble Training Millennials? Wait Until You Meet “Gen Z”

“Gen Z” – those born after 1998 – will soon surpass Millennials as the largest segment of the world population, particularly in fast-growing economies like India, China, Indonesia, Nigeria and the United States.
While it’s debatable how much generational differences affect people’s attitudes and worldview, there’s no denying that recent generations have fundamentally different relationships with technology. Where most Baby Boomers made it into their thirties or forties before having to use a computer at work, Millennials entered the workforce with smartphones in hand, and it’s transforming how organizations operate.
So, what will Gen Z bring, and how can we prepare our learning programs for their arrival?
Emil Heidkamp is the founder and senior learning strategist at Sonata Learning. He works with NGOs, corporations and government agencies to implement training and knowledge management initiatives impacting thousands of learners in over 50 countries.