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Sonata Notes: Should We Stop Using Facebook for Learning?

Since 2004, Facebook has grown from a networking site for Harvard students to a multibillion-dollar empire encompassing both its flagship platform and newer acquisitions like Instagram and WhatsApp, with billions of users of all ages in every part of the world. But, with the revelation that the personal data of at least 50 million users was secretly harvested by a consulting firm working for the Trump campaign, users are having major doubts about whether Facebook can protect their privacy – or if they’re even trying.

Sonata Notes: As NGOs Promote Life-Improving Technologies, Better Training and Support can Help them Spread Faster

From HIV self-testing to solar electrification and water filtration, NGOs are driving the introduction of life-saving technologies. However, many of these technologies are only useful in the hands of an adequately trained individual. How can NGOs ensure an adequate degree of readily accessible training and user support?

Good News for “Boring” Trainers: You Don’t Have to be Entertaining to be Effective

Most people working for large organizations have suffered through some brutally boring classroom experiences facilitated by less-than-engaging instructors. Combined with a general aversion to public speaking, this leaves most people reluctant to assume the mantle of training facilitator, themselves, even within their area of expertise...


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