Architects utilize skills from custom e-learning solutions during strategy session

Learning Strategy

Sonata Learning will work with your team to design and implement learning solutions that advance your larger goals.

Architects utilize skills from custom e-learning solutions during strategy session
Corporate professionals meet during break in instructor-led training session

Driving Results Beyond the Classroom

Whether you are creating a training program to support a specific project or initiative or a longer-term organizational development plan, Sonata will help rethink traditional training models and develop agile, performance-focused, technology-enabled approaches that balance the needs of individual learners with the goals of your organization.

We can provide strategic advice at every stage, including:



Needs assessment


Goal setting

Goal Setting

Solution design




Future planning and strategy


Aligning Learning with Strategy

Aligning Learning with Strategy Outside of the management hierarchy itself, learning, communications, and knowledge management are the three main channels for changing people’s behavior, sharing knowledge, and improving performance within (and even outside) an organization.

Sonata Learning can provide advice on how to coordinate KM, Learning and Comms (a.k.a. “KLIC”) to develop the job skills, domain knowledge, and organizational culture required to achieve your strategic goals.

Female manager wearing hardhat employs skills from professional development experiences to achieve organizational goals

Aligning Learning with Strategy

Outside of the management hierarchy itself, learning, communications, and knowledge management are the three main channels for changing people’s behavior, sharing knowledge, and improving performance within (and even outside) an organization.

Sonata Learning can provide advice on how to coordinate KM, Learning and Comms (a.k.a. “KLIC”) to develop the job skills, domain knowledge, and organizational culture required to achieve your strategic goals.

Comprehensive skill inventory and learning needs analysis

Inventorying Skills and Assessing Needs

After defining where your organization wants to go, the next step is to inventory people’s current skills, knowledge, and attitudes, then prioritize areas for upskilling, reskilling, knowledge sharing, and/or culture change.

Sonata Learning can help with this process by conducting a comprehensive skill inventory, and learning needs analysis, quickly and accurately, without requiring a massive amount of time from your in-house team.

Comprehensive skill inventory and learning needs analysis

Designing Learning Solutions

We will work with your team to develop “learning paths” for different audiences (or even personalized learning paths for individuals) encompassing a range of approaches, including:

Learning strategy


Interactive e-learning


Instructor-led training and coaching

Live Training
and Coaching

Mentoring programs


Job aids and performance support resources

Support Resources

Knowledge transfer


Male construction worker in hardhat draws on corporate learning experiences while reviewing project specifications

Evaluating “Learning ROI”

Whether you measure success in profits earned or lives saved, it’s important to confirm that the time, money, and effort invested in learning is having the expected impact. Sonata Learning can help you rethink learning performance metrics, going beyond outdated approaches like “smile sheet” feedback surveys to measure real-world performance impact, cost savings, and culture change.

Male technician in hardhat examines specialized equipment

Planning for Future Needs

Your learning strategy needs to account not only for your immediate needs, but also the future. Sonata Learning can help you recognize trends in your field and prepare for tomorrow’s challenges, including:

Workforce Upskilling / Reskilling

AI Integration

Virtual Work

Global Cultural Competence

Data Literacy

Contingent (“Gig”) Workforce Integration

Male technician in hardhat examines specialized equipment

Our Promise to Clients

We will listen deeply to your needs, analyze the tasks you want people to perform, and understand the challenges and aspirations of your target audience. Then we will apply that insight to help educate, motivate, and support people to accomplish your organization’s goals.