“Can King Kong Work Construction?” – Teaching AI to Perform Real-World Jobs
“Can King Kong Work Construction?” – Teaching AI to Perform Real-World Jobs If you want to understand the [...]
Games in Training: A Serious Learning Tool or Just Playing Around?
Games in Training: A Serious Learning Tool or Just Playing Around? When I was in elementary school, our [...]
The People vs. The Robots: A Non-Attorney’s Guide to AI and the Law
The People vs. The Robots: A Non-Attorney’s Guide to AI & The Law One of my first “real” [...]
How AI Partners Can Make Consultants More Successful
How AI Partners Can Make Consultants More Successful When humans domesticated dogs 15,000 years ago, the partnership made [...]
Grading AI’s Homework: How LLMs Handle Research and Citations
Grading AI’s Homework: How LLMs Handle Research and Citations The internet has given everyone access to a wealth [...]
Parlez-Vous AI? How Generative AI Handles Different Languages.
Parlez-Vous AI? How Generative AI Handles Different Languages. Generative AI models can do many impressive things: just the [...]
Paying to Play in the AI Arcade: Breaking Down the Cost of AI for Workforce Training
Paying to Play in the AI Arcade: Breaking Down the Cost of AI for Workforce Training Before shows [...]
Empowering Everyone: How AI Can Deliver Executive-Level Training & Coaching For Your Entire Workforce
Empowering Everyone: How AI Can Deliver Executive-Level Training & Coaching For Your Entire Workforce When it comes to [...]
Like Clockwork: How AI “Prompt Engineering” is Like Watchmaking
Like Clockwork: How AI "Prompt Engineering" is Like Watchmaking There’s a contradiction in all the online chatter about AI. [...]
How Robots Read: The Ultimate Guide to Using Documents as Data Sources for AI
How Robots Read: The Ultimate Guide to Using Documents as Data Sources for AI By now most of us [...]
Is AI Video Ready for Prime Time? (What the History of Netflix and Computer Games Tell Us)
Is AI Video Ready for Prime Time? (What the History of Netflix and Computer Games Tell Us) [...]
5 Risks of Using AI at Work
5 Risks of Using AI at Work There seems to be two main narratives about AI in popular [...]
What If Every Human Worker Had an AI Coach?
What If Every Human Worker Had an AI Coach? World bodybuilding champions Derek Lunsford and [...]
Case Study: Creating Healthcare Simulation Training with AI
Case Study: Creating Healthcare Simulation Training with AI Using simulations to train healthcare professionals is [...]
Case study: Creating Interactive Sales Training Role-Plays for Financial Advisors with Generative AI
Case Study: Creating Interactive Sales Training Role-Plays for Financial Advisors with Generative AI Financial advisors [...]
5 Ways to Use AI in Workforce Training
5 Ways to Use AI in Workforce Training Whether it’s a Wall Street investment bank [...]
Calibrating the Difficulty of AI Simulations (or “Is Your Training Challenging Enough to Be Worthwhile?”)
Calibrating the Difficulty of AI Simulations (or “Is Your Training Challenging Enough to Be Worthwhile?”) [...]
AI is an Evil Genie (or “How to Ensure AI Interprets Instructions as Intended”)
AI is an Evil Genie (or “How to Ensure AI Interprets Instructions as Intended”) On [...]
How do You QA Test AI Interactions?
How Do You QA Test AI Interactions? There’s an old joke among computer programmers: the [...]
Developing Job Skills with AI Simulations: How Realistic Do Practice Simulations Need to Be?
Developing Job Skills with AI Simulations: How Realistic Do Practice Simulations Need to Be? While [...]
Teaching AI to Emulate Human Irrationality (or “Why Can’t the Machine Make All the Decisions?”)
Teaching AI to Emulate Human Irrationality (or “Why Can't the Machine Make All the Decisions?”) [...]
3 Ways to Use AI Generated Simulations and Role Plays in Education and Workforce Training
3 Ways to Use AI Generated Simulations and Role Plays in Education and Workforce Training [...]
How IT Departments Can Make Peace with Generative AI
How IT Departments Can Make Peace with Generative AI These days, everyone from the marketing [...]
Gen Z Employees Love Remote Work (Until They Have to Manage a Team!)
Gen Z Employees Love Remote Work (Until They Have to Manage a Team!) No other [...]
Sonata Notes: Want to Recruit Ex-Google Employees? Remote Work Can Give You an Edge
Want to Recruit Ex-Google Employees? Remote Work Can Give You an Edge From 2007 to [...]
Sonata Notes: How to Encourage Learning with Less “Training”
By taking a systematic approach to "informal" learning, you can meet the majority of your organization’s learning needs without a massive capital investment in training.
Sonata Notes: Surviving the “Great Shift Change”
The long-predicted skilled labor shortage in fields such as engineering, manufacturing, and construction is upon us and is expected to last for most of the 2020s. Given that most companies haven't prepared adequately for the departure of their experienced staff, how can we accelerate the recovery of labor pipelines?
Sonata Notes: Should You Outsource Field Service, or Train Your Own Technicians?
The shortage of skilled field service technicians is a major challenge for capital equipment and infrastructure companies. Is outsourcing a reasonable "quick and easy" solution for covering those gaps - or is it giving up a future revenue stream?
Sonata Notes: 3 Critical Sources of Knowledge That Organizations Forget to Manage On SharePoint
When an organization first implements a system like SharePoint, Box, Google Drive or M-Files, they will often have their team spend a tremendous amount of time and effort uploading and tagging files in the new platform.
If Customers Want the ‘Right to Repair’, Make Sure They Get it Right
Equipment manufacturers are nervous about “right to repair” legislation. But whether it passes or not, providing appropriate training and support to customers is a smart business move.
Training Human Workers to be Smart Around Smart Machines
Amidst the buzz around AI and automation, how can manufacturers prepare clients for the reality of working with autonomous technology?
Sonata Notes: 5 Types of Training Every Capital Equipment Manufacturer Needs to Provide
Whether you produce industrial machinery or meditech, there are five key audiences every capital equipment manufacturer needs to train.
Sonata Notes: 3 Audiences Consultants Miss by Not Offering Online Coaching & Training
There will be always clients and audiences within client organizations who will never attend your face-to-face workshops, due to cost or logistical barriers. The good news is that online learning (done right) can help you reach these audiences.
Sonata Notes: Turning Workplace “Generation Gaps” into a Diversity Advantage
With Baby Boomers working into their 70s and “Gen Z” overtaking Millennials as the largest segment of the labor pool, having junior and veteran staff collaborate can boost the productivity of both.
Sonata Notes: 5 Types of Stories Your Audience Can Actually Learn From
Storytelling can be a powerful tool to engage an audience, but only if you're telling the right story. Here are five types of learning and leadership stories, and when to use each.
For NGOs using “mobile money” and cash transfer interventions, mobile financial literacy training can boost return on investment
Recently, the Gates Foundation invested millions to develop an online payment platform specifically addressing the needs of refugees and the poor. Meanwhile, a growing number of NGOs are experimenting with direct cash transfers as an intervention for everything from food security to tuberculosis treatment, emergency response and more.
Sonata Notes: 5 Ways to Help Remote Staff and In-Office Staff Work Better Together
In theory, remote work lets organizations expand their recruiting pool, reduce operating costs, and increase worker happiness. However, in practice, integrating remote workers and in-office staff can be challenging.
Sonata Notes: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Training Clients
Our company has helped many expert consulting firms, in fields ranging from sales to finance to cybersecurity, create more effective training programs for their clientele.
Sonata Notes: 5 Things Marketers Know that the Training Industry Forgets
Both the marketing and training industries involve connecting with audiences, communicating key messages, driving behavior change, and motivating people to action.
Sonata Notes: Who’s Afraid of (Learning From) Failure?
Different people react to failure in different ways, most of them unhelpful. It’s rare for anyone to honestly and rationally reflect on their own mistakes - which is a shame, as analyzing past failures can help us succeed in the future.
Sonata Notes: Want Compliance Training That Works? Let Your Workers Design It.
Compliance training is necessary to shield organizations from liability and regulatory fines. But is there a better way to deliver compliance training than having workers click through slide after slide of legal disclaimers then answer insultingly basic true/false questions?
Sonata Notes: Is Training Ever “One and Done”? Affordable Ways to Extended Learning
Training usually works best when delivered in small increments over a longer period of time, yet the logistics of in-person training tend to bias organizations towards one-time marathon workshops. How can we affordably extend the learning experience beyond a one-time event?
Sonata Notes: Cancel That Flight: How NGOs Can Stop “Training Tourism”
For many NGOs, the standard training model is to fly people across continents and oceans to attend in-person workshops, but is this approach sustainable? And what are the alternatives?
Sonata Notes: How to Encourage More Learning with Less “Training”
By taking a systematic approach to "informal" learning, you can meet the majority of your organization’s learning needs without a massive capital investment in training.
Sonata Notes: Three “Uncoachable” Skills and How You Can (Sort Of) Coach Them
Sports coaches often describe some qualities - like height, lung capacity and passion - as "uncoachable". Does the same hold true for essential workplace skills like intuition, creativity and systems thinking?
Sonata Notes: Why “Big Data” Requires Small Stories
From predicting the weather to anticipating disease outbreaks, computers enable us to gain useful insights from massive data sets. However, while a skilled analyst can scan a sheet of numbers and spot the important trends, most people do better when data is presented within a simple, logical, compelling narrative.
Sonata Notes: You Can’t Cure Jerks, but You *Can* Stop Workplace Harassment
At this point, there's no denying that workplace sexual harassment and discrimination are serious, pervasive issues. While it’s true that many problems result from the misconduct of a few bad actors, the effect of even a single bully or harasser on your team should not be underestimated.
Sonata Notes: The Secret World of “Shadow IT”
From Google Docs to Slack, cloud-based productivity apps are allowing employees to work from anywhere, get more done and collaborate more effectively in real time. While the convenience of these tools is a welcome improvement over old desktop software, individuals might start using cloud apps without the knowledge or approval of their IT department.
Sonata Notes: Are Potential Woman Leaders Discouraged By Your Leadership Training?
The way leadership training is typically designed and delivered in most organizations does not favor women’s success. Fortunately, there are steps organizations can take to make leadership training more gender-inclusive:
Sonata Notes: What Can NGOs Do to Help Refugees Acquire Critical Job Skills?
Despite the hysterics of far-right nationalists, influxes of refugees have the potential to positively impact economies all over the world. Yet many refugees find themselves at a disadvantage when compared to native workers, because they did not have the opportunity to develop crucial job skills in their birth countries.
Sonata Notes: Should We Stop Using Facebook for Learning?
Since 2004, Facebook has grown from a networking site for Harvard students to a multibillion-dollar empire encompassing both its flagship platform and newer acquisitions like Instagram and WhatsApp, with billions of users of all ages in every part of the world. But, with the revelation that the personal data of at least 50 million users was secretly harvested by a consulting firm working for the Trump campaign, users are having major doubts about whether Facebook can protect their privacy – or if they’re even trying.
Sonata Notes: How Better Anti-Harassment Training Helps NGOs Avoid Scandal and Promote Gender Equality
The NGOs sector has been embarrassed by multiple news stories regarding sexual misconduct and harassment. What can NGOs do to foster a culture where these things are less likely to happen?
Sonata Notes: Who Needs Formal Training When Google has All the Answers?
The Internet can get anyone up to speed on most any subject instantly. Does that mean we can cancel all our training programs?
Sonata Notes: Trouble Training Millennials? Wait Until You Meet “Gen Z”
“Gen Z” - those born after 1998 - will soon surpass Millennials as the largest segment of the world population. How can we prepare our learning programs for their arrival?
Sonata Notes: As NGOs Promote Life-Improving Technologies, Better Training and Support can Help them Spread Faster
From HIV self-testing to solar electrification and water filtration, NGOs are driving the introduction of life-saving technologies. However, many of these technologies are only useful in the hands of an adequately trained individual. How can NGOs ensure an adequate degree of readily accessible training and user support?
Sonata Notes: Transferring Knowledge – and Power – to the Global South
How learning can address power imbalances between headquarters and the "global south".